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Athletic Experience

Since I was a kid sports and athletics have been a large part of my life. I grew up playing all sports such as football, lacrosse, soccer, and much more. These sports taught me very valuable lessons and skills as a kid such as leadership, teamwork, perseverance, & motivation. These skills and lessons I learned are present in everyday life and have shaped who I am. As a kid I dreamed about playing football at a high level and I have been fortunate enough to be able to play division 1 football at the University of San Diego for four years. For the University of San Diego football team I played defensive end and competed in many games throughout my career. I was able to experience multiple winning seasons and a league championship as well during my college career. This experience of playing Division 1 football has had a great impact on me and who I am. It has taught me invaluable lessons about preserving through any challenge and leading others. While playing football I encountered lots of injures that tested how much I love football and who I really was. No matter the injury I faced, I pushed through and made a return to the field. This developed the ability to persevere within me, and is a trait I bring to all aspects of life. Throughout my athletic experience, I have had the pleasure to meet many people and develop great relationships with my teammates. These relationships go beyond the field and are something I will cherish for life. My athletic experience is something I will always hold close and will have a continued impact in the future.

Athletic Accomplishments

Landon Colvin in University of San Diego Football Uniform
Landon Colvin playing Division 1 football
University of San Diego Football logo
  • 4x Pioneer Football League All Academic Team 

  • Pioneer Football League Champion 2022

  • National College Athlete Honors Society 2024

Division 1 football league logo
My Approach
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