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Academic Experience

University of San Diego

I have recently graduated from the Knauss School of Business at the University of San Diego. During my time at the Knauss School of Business I majored in Business Administration and gained a vast knowledge of business operations, finance, marketing, and management skills. I also am comfortable communicating in Spanish haven taken 3 years of courses at USD. While at the University of San Diego I maintained a 3.76 GPA and earned multiple honors. Some of those honors being Presidents Honor roll and Chi Alpha Sigma honors society enrollment. Throughout my academic journey at USD I was able to work hands on with many local and non-local companies to gain real world experience through projects. Some of these projects consisted of an in-depth strategic analysis of a publicly traded company, Individual marketing plan for an NBA player, & developing a financial portfolio for a small non-profit organization (see below for details). My degree in Business Administration allowed for me to be diverse in multiple disciplines and helped build a solid foundation of business knowledge to fuel my entrepreneurial spirt. I look forward to continuing to put in effect the skills I have learned from my time at the University of San Diego in my next chapter of life.

Knauss School of Business

Business Projects

NBA Individual Marketing Plan

  • Increase social media engagement for player by 300k views and 700k impressions

  • Created new and engaging media content for NBA player personal sports & lifestyle brand

  •  Developed and implemented 4 month strategic long term media strategy for Youtube

NBA Logo

Lululemon Strategic Analysis

  • Over the course of a semester me and a team analyzed the sports apparel industry and the company Lululemon

  • Based on 10k reports and public earnings, we created an in-depth analysis of Lululemon and future profitability

  • Made suggestions for company acquisitions to boost profit

  • Analyzed strategic positioning within the market and company core competencies

Lululemon athletic apparel
My Approach
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